How To Replace a Medical Marijuana Card in Georgia

Replacement For Georgia Medical Marijuana Card Online

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Can I Replace My Georgia Medical Marijuana Card?

The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) allows patients registered in the state's Low THC Oil Registry to replace lost costs. A Georgia Low THC Oil Registry ID may also be replaced if the information on the card is no longer accurate and needs to be updated.

Do I Need to Report a Lost or Stolen Georgia Medical Marijuana Card?

Although there is no specific law requiring patients to report lost or stolen Low THC Oil Registry ID cards, it is recommended that you report a lost card to the Georgia DPH as soon as possible to prevent the unauthorized use of your card and protect your access to low THC oil.

How to Get a Replacement Medical Marijuana Card in Georgia

To obtain a replacement Georgia Low THC Oil Registry ID card, send a request to the Low THC Oil Unit by email to or by calling (770) 909-2765. The Georgia Department of Public Health will contact your physician to verify that you are still under their care if your card has not expired. Upon confirmation, the DPH will issue a replacement card, which will be sent to a pre-agreed Public Health Office.

Cost of a Georgia Medical Marijuana Replacement Card

The Georgia Department of Public Health charges a $25 fee to issue a replacement medical marijuana card.

How Long to Get a Replacement Georgia Medical Marijuana Card?

It takes up to 15 business days for a requester to obtain a replacement Georgia low THC registry oil card from the Georgia Department of Public Health. The replacement registry oil card will be sent to the requester’s Public Health Office of choice for pick-up.

Replacement For Medical Marijuana Card

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